Llistar Títols per Autor "Hegedüs, Ramon"

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doc icon DUGiDocs 2011 Imaging polarimetry of the fogbow: polarization characteristics of white rainbows measured in the high Arctic Horváth, Gábor ; Hegedüs, Ramon ; Barta, András ; Farkas, Alexandra ; Åkesson, Susanne
out url icon Recercat Imaging polarimetry of the fogbow: polarization characteristics of white rainbows measured in the high Arctic Horváth, Gábor ; Hegedüs, Ramon ; Barta, András ; Farkas, Alexandra ; Åkesson, Susanne
out url icon Recercat Imaging polarimetry of the fogbow: polarization characteristics of white rainbows measured in the high Arctic Horváth, Gábor ; Hegedüs, Ramon ; Barta, András ; Farkas, Alexandra ; Åkesson, Susanne
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Imaging polarimetry of the fogbow: polarization characteristics of white rainbows measured in the high Arctic Horváth, Gábor ; Hegedüs, Ramon ; Barta, András ; Farkas, Alexandra ; Åkesson, Susanne
doc icon DUGiDocs agost 2012 Spottier Targets Are Less Attractive to Tabanid Flies: On the Tabanid-Repellency of Spotty Fur Patterns Blaho, Miklos ; Egri, Adam ; Bahidszki, Lea ; Kriska, Gyorgy ; Hegedüs, Ramon ; Åkesson, Susanne ; Horváth, Gábor
out url icon Recercat Spottier Targets Are Less Attractive to Tabanid Flies: On the Tabanid-Repellency of Spotty Fur Patterns Blaho, Miklos ; Egri, Adam ; Bahidszki, Lea ; Kriska, Gyorgy ; Hegedüs, Ramon ; Åkesson, Susanne ; Horváth, Gábor
out url icon Recercat Spottier Targets Are Less Attractive to Tabanid Flies: On the Tabanid-Repellency of Spotty Fur Patterns Blaho, Miklos ; Egri, Adam ; Bahidszki, Lea ; Kriska, Gyorgy ; Hegedüs, Ramon ; Åkesson, Susanne ; Horváth, Gábor
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Spottier Targets Are Less Attractive to Tabanid Flies: On the Tabanid-Repellency of Spotty Fur Patterns Blaho, Miklos ; Egri, Adam ; Bahidszki, Lea ; Kriska, Gyorgy ; Hegedüs, Ramon ; Åkesson, Susanne ; Horváth, Gábor

